Next AWBD Conference
Announcement by Jeff - 2/11/2025 at 8:27 PM
Employee Post
Hi all, in my rush to wrap up our final agenda item recapping the AWBD conference I failed to address the 2nd part of that agenda item: pre-approving expenses related to attendance at the next conference.
It is Friday and Saturday June 13th and 14th in San Antonio. Early Bird registration opened last week and runs through February 26th. It’s $465.  After 2/26 it’s $515. I registered and plan to attend.
Sorry for dropping the ball on getting that pre-approval. But I’ll have it added to the March agenda.
Belmont FWSD

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Patricia Replied
Employee Post
Thanks for the heads up. I don't think I will be able to attend this one. 
Board Belmont FWSD

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