JRE Traffic Impact
Announcement by Jeff - 8/16/2024 at 6:20 PM
Employee Post
Hi all. Just in case any of you, like me, have been getting messages from frustrated residents due to JRE traffic flow… We are on it. As you know, a traffic impact analysis was done last year to satisfy District concerns related to queue stacking and intersection Level of Service. But we discovered that JRE did not ultimately use the traffic pattern recommended by their engineers and upon which all of the traffic analysis and mitigation recommendations were based. Entrance streets are now exit streets, etc.  
We requested a call with their team and had it today along with Robert. Ultimately, they felt they had a plan that was safer. So we’re experiencing a traffic flow that was not assessed for pain points by traffic engineers.
Patricia did a wonderful job leading the call from a positive and constructive position. We can be frustrated they tossed the playbook, but it is what is it. How can we help? I feel the AISD folks appreciated it, and responded well to it.
Today’s call was just about aligning on the pain points and brainstorming possible solutions. We will reconvene in a week to see if the issues remain beyond this first week of school.
If you are hearing directly from residents regarding pain points related to JRE traffic, feel free to funnel them to Patricia and Robert.
I will make sure this is on the next agenda so that any possible solutions discussed with the JRE team come before the board for discussion and approval.

Belmont FWSD

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Board4 Replied
Employee Post
Thank you, Jeff.  

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