AWBD Midwinter Conference
Announcement by Jeff - 7/18/2024 at 12:42 PM
Employee Post
Hey all, you should have received a email yesterday from AWBD. Registration went live for the next AWBD Midwinter Conference. “early bird registration is available until next Wednesday, July 24th. Act now to secure the early bird rate before regular registration rates begin. The conference will be held at the JW Marriott Austin on January 24 - 25, 2025.” 
Early Bird is $390. Then it goes up to $440 through Dec 11. Then $540 after that. Aside from the Friday Welcome Reception, all of the sessions are on Saturday.
I know not everyone can make these events. But I have found them extremely insightful. And most of our consultants who support us and our District attend. We had a good showing for the summer with two members each from Belmont 1 and Belmont 2.

Belmont FWSD

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Patricia Replied
Employee Post
Sorry I didn't get any notifications. I am going to be out of town for work during this conference time so I won't be able make this one. 
Board Belmont FWSD

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