Resident Mailer
Announcement by Jeff - 6/14/2024 at 6:25 PM
Employee Post
Hi everyone-

I was able to confirm my statements at the meeting that we had *not* involved the HOA in our District Resident Info Sheet. I checked with Tim who also checked with Jerry. They had never seen the District’s Resident Info Sheet and have therefore not been including it in new resident packets. He said they have an electronic welcome packet for new residents.

We mailed the last version to all residents in October 2023. As I said at the meeting, my impression at the time was that we intended to do an annual mailing after each election and board position reorg so that residents heard from the District at least annually.

Obviously it’s a new board so we can go in any direction.

Our conversations at the time were trying to solve the problem of how a resident who moves here figures out they live in the Belmont District, that it’s an entity with elected officials, and the full scope of what we actually do. And how do they learn of our meetings, website, Facebook, and how to report an issue?

Patricia and I won’t be there in July. But if the three of you who will be there can agree on an awareness campaign, with or without this mailer, go for it. Don’t feel you need to table it on my behalf.

I just wanted to make you aware that the HOA has not been distributing the mailer. We did the one time mailing in October and that was it.
Belmont FWSD

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