3 items
Idea shared by Jeff - 9/10/2022 at 9:14 PM
Employee Post
Hey all,  

A couple of images below from Elm Ridge WCID (formerly Denton County FWSD 10) which is also supported by both Crawford & Jordan and Triton…

1) We’ve had providing our residents with a household hazardous waste disposal option on the agenda since July. Here on Elm Ridge WCID’s Facebook page they’re advertising an option for their residents. I hope to be presented with options at our September meeting.

2) Triton has placed a pop-up on the Elm Ridge web site and has also done a dedicated Facebook post following their August meeting on their proposed tax rate decrease And alerting residents to the Sept hearing. This is the type of thing I’d like to see Triton do for us proactively. We pay for a representative from Triton (usually Megan) to attend each of our meetings in their entirety so that they are fully aware of all District business. I’d encourage each of you to continue to empower Megan and her team to fully leverage the new communication tools that we have to keep our residents informed.

3) We deferred the topic to our next meeting, but it was about considering a potential land use or permit process for fireworks on public District land. Whether that be a District sanctioned event or simply an individual permit process for open areas like the former fun fields or the lake area. A process that would be supported by our police, fire and legal partners. The 3rd picture from their Facebook page just shows a smaller show sponsored by their partner HOA within their District. Just highlights that it can be done, and done safely.

-Jeff Riggs

Belmont FWSD

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