Agenda Items
Announcement by Jeff - 5/31/2024 at 3:22 PM
Employee Post
Hi everyone. If you have anything you wish to be added to the agenda for the 6/10 meeting please have those to me by Monday morning 6/3 so I can submit everything by noon. I also spoke with Clay and Kelsey about getting back to 5 day board packet lead time. It sounds as if our best course of action is to formally restate our expectation to all consultants when we expect the board packet to be ‘locked’ by ABHR. ABHR is able to collect information, but the board needs to re-state our expectation to the other consultants. So I’ll add an agenda item for us to align on that.
Belmont FWSD

3 Replies

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Patricia Replied
Employee Post
Could we potentially add moving the July 8th meeting to July 15th as an agenda item? I will not be in town July 8th and seems like that is really tight to get the packet in time after end of month. Thanks! 
Board Belmont FWSD
Jeff Replied
Employee Post
I will add it to the agenda. Gary, I believe you were the only one who stated that you would not be in attendance for the June board meeting. Could you please send me via email the dates of any July weekday evenings that would prevent you from attending if we were to reschedule July’s meeting? Normally for the sake of the public, the consultants, and the board members who plan around these dates, a lack of quorum is the only thing that would prevent a meeting from happening on its regularly scheduled date. But I also will not be in attendance for the July meeting so Patricia’s request reveals we may indeed have a quorum opportunity we need to rectify for July. And if we do reschedule I want to make sure it’s on a date that doesn’t box you out.
Board Belmont FWSD
Good evening everyone,     
Sorry for the late reply. I just got access to this site. I am flexible and available any day the week of July 15th. Thanks. 

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