AWBD Training & Education
Announcement by Jeff - 12/22/2022 at 12:05 PM
Employee Post
Hi all,

I finally took a look last week at the training and education opportunities offered by our new AWBD membership. They offer monthly webinars on a variety of topics and conferences twice per year hosted at locations throughout Texas. I asked Clay to clarify expectations if any of us were interested in doing any of these and he came to the meeting last night with follow up. Sharing it here.

He stated that the webinars fall under section 8.03 of our Supervisor Fees and Per Diems policy as “Training and/or conferences” and we would be paid $150. The registration fee for the webinars is $45 which we would be reimbursed for, but we need to provide documentation for anything over $25. It looks like these might be available after-the-fact too.

For attendance at the conferences, we would be reimbursed for travel expenses, including the hotel and registration fees. Mileage assuming we drive. These fall under the same section 8.03 so we’d again be paid $150 per day of conference attendance. He expressed hesitation with some other Districts or board members who include any day that is exclusively a travel day as part of the $150 per day calculation. So if we just count the actual conference days (usually 2), we’re good.

He also suggested that for the conferences we get pre-approval for the estimated expense so that we don’t get stuck with the bill if the board were to veto it from the bookkeepers report for any reason.
Belmont FWSD

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